From (who else) Ally
So, last night I started out in an American Grocery store calles, of all things, American Heartland Groceries Connection. It reminded me of Fairsley in that old Mr.Show sketch about the rival grocery chains. Anyways, so I'm in the bakery aisle and this fat American asks me if I need help. yes, I do. I am looking for a birthday cake for my mom. She tells me that they don't sell cake, and to take my "Canuck Ass" back over to the Publix across the street. (Publix is a big chain of American grocery stores). I'm like "how do you not sell cake? didn't Americans invent cake?" and she's all like "I don't like your smart attitude" and puts me in a cage in the meatlocker. A bunch of my friends are in there too, including my best friend Lauren and the cat that lives down the street, Mittens. I am freaked out, cause who knows what kind of weird ass Leatherface Family Reunion-type shit they are about to pull with all of us in cages. Its totally murky and weird and stuff. Anyways, so they bring in people to view us. Like, its a Canadian museum or something. One of the visitors is a girl I used to be friends with in H-School, Gillian Menard. (I haven't talked to her in like, 4 years...I have no idea why she is in this dream) and Lauren and I are pleading with her to let us out. I'm like "Gillian, they don't feed us and we have to sleep in the cages! Help us! All youhave to do is lift up the gate! Its not hard!" and she's like "Aw, it's talking to me!! I want to take it home!!"
So the guard (baker) comes up to my cage, unlocks it, AND TAKES OUT MITTENS!! Bitch was only freeing the cat! WTF?!? So, the rest of us humans are stuck in the cage, waiting for death, or Leatherface or something.
Anyways, it was weird to say the least.
Also, if Alex doesn't start updating her dreams again, I'm calling colbert.