From Alex
Last night me and Allison had a grapefruit fight while watching Kenny vs. Spenny.
We completely destroyed the living room and there's grapefruit pulp everywhere (oh, this is real, dream is coming later). Anyways, much grafruit in hair/ on walls and after we catch our breaths we decide to leave it because our roommate Jenn is a very clean and particular person, and, coincidentaly, out at the bar. So we are quite giddy walking up the stairs and I go to sleep. My dream was I walked down the stairs, laughing to myself and looking for Jenn and downstairs is decorated with SO MUCH Christmas decorations. So I go to Jenn's room to see why she's decorating in November and in her bathroom is Jenn, and my Mom and Dad. And Jenn looks like she's just finished crying. So my parents decided to come visit our place and decorate (because they're so thoughtful) at 3am and found the place the way it was, and went to yell at Jenn. This was crazy and Jenn was sobbing and looking at me like "How could you?"
And then we flashed to another scene and there were lots of puppies and dogs playing in my backyard and they all looked like Ellie and I was happy and forgot about Jenn getting all the heat...
aww Deb and Joe are so nice to come and decorate in november. I think the next time I see Mr. Davey, I'm going to ask if I can call him Dad, or poppa Joe.
... that sounds a little homosesual.
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